Sex and Parenthood

The nitty gritty sexy stuff...or not so sexy stuff. Trying to get your freak on with toddlers and babies in the house is basically finding 5 minutes to get off before your kids realize you're hiding in your room doing the dirty. Quickies early in the morning before theres a little nosey "starving" munchkin at your door requesting a gourmet breakfast NOW. And not so romantic sex sessions at night because you're either tired or more in the mood than the other person.
Or the best one, working opposite shifts of your partner and coming home when he's leaving. Then you just fantasize about that not so sexy sex just to at least get something. You get nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Everything you knew about sex before kids, is no longer the case. Your life will revolve around quickies and trying to schedule in that much needed sexy time. Its not as erotic. Actually, its not normally erotic at all. Unless it's planned ahead of time. Romance is only something you'll be familiar with in books and movies. Why was 50 Shades so popular? Moms, that's why. Bored with life, horny moms who can no longer have that life of hot steamy sex 3 times a day.
Its messy. But not in a good way. Half the time most of your clothes are still on. You can't be loud, and instead of doing it anywhere you want, you have to settle for doing it anywhere you can fit that the kids can't see. 

No worries moms. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. When your kids become old enough to not attempt crawling in your bed at night, when they sleep in in the morning, and when they are old enough to watch themselves a bit more without wandering around looking for you every 5 seconds; sex will be easier. It will get better. At about 6ish years old.
Best advice? Hang in there. Get the quickies while you can. Bang responsibly though. Frantic quickies normally create more babies. Which is bad. Really really bad.
